Muffie Moroney
Born in Washington, DC, during World War II, Muffie Moroney grew up primarily in Houston and also partly in then-rural Fort Bend County when visiting her Mother’s family. After graduating from St. John’s School (1961) and Randolph-Macon Woman’s College (1965), she worked for the National Security Agency. She returned to Houston and graduated from University of Houston Law Center (1982). After completing a clerkship at the 14th Court of Appeals in Houston, she practiced law with several firms, including Vinson & Elkins, LLP, before opening her own solo practice concentrating in civil litigation.
Muffie has served on the boards of directors of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast and the Episcopal Church Publishing Company; the Alumni-Alumnae Boards of St. John’s School, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, and the University of Houston Law Center; and is a co-founder and member of the executive committee of the River Oaks Area Democratic Women/ROADwomen.
She is divorced, has two grown sons and four grandchildren. She is a lifelong Episcopalian and member of Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, where she has been active in social justice causes.