Susan Young

Susan has provided financial support and strategy input to SUA since 2016, and is a member of the core team for 2020.

Susan has a career in Illinois state government including serving as the Director of Public Transportation and on the Governor’s Policy Council and investment banking where she served as Financial Advisor to the City of Houston. 

Susan has served in a professional or volunteer capacity for a variety of non-profit civic organizations including founding the Houston Museum District Association and the Main Street Coalition.  Civic boards on which she has or currently serves include ACLU of TX, Sister Cities of Houston, Miller Outdoor Theater, the Pacifica National Board and the KPFT Local Station Board, among others.

Susan was born in Boston, grew up in Los Angeles and has lived in Illinois, Massachusetts, Paris, Geneva and Beirut and in Houston, Texas since 1984.   She received a Masters in City and Regional Planning from Harvard and a BA in Government from Smith. She collects art, books, and antique rugs.